
Shaping I

Teenage students in Manipur need to identify suitable career for themselves so that they can pursue a career that suits them and be successful.  Is the problem statement that the project aims to address. The target group is Students studying in grades between IX-XII (14 and half-18yrs), priority to students at rural areas who have no access to any form of counselling.

The proposed solution is to conduct Conduct counseling, motivation and leadership session, basic soft skills development sessions at various relevant venue.

Activity will focus on:-

 Educate the students about the main components/determining factor of career selection such as aptitude, interest, personality, orientation style, EQ etc.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming session on sub modalities, visualization, goal setting.

Invite/Reach out to individual who are highly successful in their own profession to give a realistic picture of the challenges on life, path to success and inspire/motivate the students to stay focus and not give up.

 Awareness / soft skills activity in the areas of climate change/traffic awareness/gender equality/IT.

The project desires to have short term goal as

Better understanding of oneself – personality, EQ, passion and interest, aptitude, strength and weaknesses etc.

- Realistic realisation of the obstacle and challenges to overcome in achieving their aim and goals.

- Positive curiosity about new career options as new career are created every day in today’s’ fast changing world.

While envisioning that the young students will Pursue a career that suits oneself, to be successful in the career that makes one fulfilling and not frustrating. Ultimately become a fruitful member of the society.

13 sessions have been conducted till date covering schools, community centers, orphanage, blind and deaf school etc. Over 2,100 students been reached/covered by the project till date. Teachers and parents who attended the workshop are also benefitted from the project today.


Youth Affairs and Sport, Government of Manipur have collaborated in one of the biggest session.