
The Kasa Story (A narrative to rework Bangalore's waste management practices)

Global Shapers Community Bangalore is reworking Bangalore city’s KASA (a Kannada word which means ‘waste’) story and changing the narrative of Bangalore’s waste management practices. Bangalore city's garbage has doubled in the last five years. The city churns almost 6000 tonnes per day. The Kasa Story is raising awareness to reduce the city’s waste generation by running awareness and social media campaigns, curating waste-to-art, conducting talks and publishing blog posts. The project encourages people to take their first few steps to reduce their daily consumption and waste production and help them to make the transition to sustainable living,thereby helping people to become more mindful of their consumption and waste. The Kasa Story launched in July 2019 aims to reach 1 million social media impressions, shares and reposts through our social media posts, and measure the additional impact through number of switches made to sustainable options and the number of people we have influenced through our waste-to-art curation, talks, workshops and blog posts. The Kasa Story has reached 14,123 impressions during its Plastic Free July Campaign through posts and stories on Instagram.